Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Tips: How to Make Your Smartphone Last Longer in Nigeria

BlackBerry devices used to be renowned for their impressively long battery lives. But with all the features and functionalities packed into modern RIM smartphones during the past couple of years, some of that battery longevity has vanished. 

Most BlackBerry user in Nigeria complains a lot about their battery span. This may be due to interrupted supply of electricity. No more worries because if you follow the tips that would be stated below, your smartphone will make you smile while keeping in touch with your loved ones or it will increase your profit output (if used for business).

A BlackBerry constantly searching for signal drains the battery quickly. In an office building, residence, or rural area with low signal coverage, you will experience a quicker battery drain. Turn off the “radio” on the homescreen or the data signal if you must reduce battery drain in severe circumstances (Options > Mobile Network > Data Services = OFF). 

Check your applications running in the background. Press your Menu key and then choose Switch Applications to see what is running in the background (or, hold down the Menu key about 3 seconds for the App Switcher ribbon to appear). There are commonly four or five applications that will always be running (Messages, Call Logs/Phone, BlackBerry Messenger, Homescreen, and the Browser; there are others such as BeamBerry and Alarms which will also run). Make certain that the browser is NOT on an active webpage (should return the bookmarks page only). Close any other applications that do not need to be running (the camera or a game you were playing or Google Maps). Applications like GoogleMaps and streaming audio apps such as Pandora or the Media Player left running in the background are big battery drainers. 

Turn off the Bluetooth connection when you don’t need it (Options > Bluetooth).

Some applications such JiveTalk have a “battery save mode” when idle. Log off applications such as JiveTalk, AIM, Google Talk if you are not using them for long periods of time. 

Use your sleeper-magnet enabled holster. The magnet in the holster is there for a reason – it puts the BlackBerry to sleep, saves the battery, and makes you a happy camper. 

Turn your backlight down to 80%… for many, that is a barely noticeable difference in the screen brightness (Options > Screen/Keyboard). 

Get an extended-life battery if you think you need it (Seidio Online has many choices for various models).

Li-ion batteries have a typical life-span of 300-500 charges, which averages out to approximately two years. A Li-ion battery will normally maintain more of a full capacity charge and then “quit working” suddenly, rather than gradually becoming worse in performance.

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